Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Every Princess Needs A Crown!

Dear Princess,
When you were 2 months old, we started noticing that you always turn your head to your right when you were lying on your back and because of this were developing a “flat spot” on the back, right side of your head.  To try to correct this, we took you to CHOA to have the expert therapist look at it.  They diagnosed you with Torticolis, which simply means that your neck muscles were developing at different rates.  It sounds worse than it actually is.  To help it we were given exercises to do with you to strengthen your neck muscles (which really only constituted mommy and daddy making funny faces and noises on your left to get you to look that way) and tried to keep you off of your right side when we laid you on your back (which was more difficult than it sounds because you tended to always roll to your right). 

Well, after 4 months of exercises and a few head scans to measure the improvement to the shape of your head, the doctors recommended that it was best to use the helmet to help “fix the flat.”
We think you look really cute with it on, your big blue eyes pop out even more now! We hope the next 3 months pass quickly for you so that we can get back to putting bows in your hair (don’t worry, mommy got some velcro to put them on your helmet for now).

    The King and Queen

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOODNESS, your hat makes me focus even more on your beautiful little face. I LOVE the hairs that stick up from the top of your hat!
